Updated guidance on FIT testing in primary care

Chronic diarrhoea 

 In this episode, I speak to Professor Ramesh Arasaradnam.  Ramesh co-authored the BSG guidelines on chronic diarrhoea in 2018, and is a fount...
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Functional Dyspepsia

Affecting up to 20% of the UK population, dyspepsia is commonly seen in primary care.  Following investigations, the majority of people (up...
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H. Pylori

This edition of the podcast series Ingest published by the Primary Care Society for Gastroenterology (PCSG) features a very special guest from the world...
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Dyspepsia is a common presenting complaint in primary care, and encompasses a range of symptoms including GORD, nausea, and epigastric pain.  Having...
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PCSG Podcast Ingest