The bold future of the PCSG
At the beginning of February, the committee members met to consider the future direction of the PCSG, an organisation that was established in 1985. Whilst the slogan “We are the voice of primary care gastroenterology” still holds true, we wish to broaden this to facilitate engagement with a wide range of organisations, and therefore our new purpose is “Improving Gut Health for Everyone”. As a society that is authoritative, collaborative and innovative, we will be building relationships with charities, Royal Colleges and other key national organisations to deliver a range of activities that meet this purpose.
We have a strong history of providing a range of activities that promote the role of primary care in the field of gastroenterology; the annual scientific meetings, the production of guidelines, The Digest journal, and the Guts and Glory Award.
We will be making changes to our website to be more responsive to developments in the field of gastroenterology, and to make our website and social media presence bolder and more interactive.
We would like to invite guest authors and bloggers to write articles for the website and journal, and we want to encourage those in training to contribute.
I am excited about the future of the PCSG and am looking forward to developing these and other new activities.
If you would like to get involved, please get in touch via the website or email me