Become a member – IT’S FREE

Why should you join the PCSG?

  • We are the voice of primary care gastroenterology, a voice that is listened to by those who make decisions which affect primary care. As you all know, gastroenterology accounts for large numbers of consultations in primary care and the knock on effects in terms of drug prescribing are highly significant. Whether it is in terms of commissioning or clinical governance, we cannot leave decisions to be made without a primary care input. The PCSG is well placed to provide that advice not only through the committee members but also amongst our highly experienced membership.
  • We are also representing those of you who endoscope, both in a primary care setting and in secondary care, on JAG and we are also developing processes of our own when it comes to revalidation and accreditation. In this way, we can make the process less secondary care led and relevant for our members. Amongst our committee members and our Society, we are well placed to offer advice to our members both involved and planning to be involved in primary care endoscopy.
  • You will have access to free PCSG meetings which are highly interactive with speakers from the top of their fields of expertise. Our meetings are held throughout the country and well attended.
  • PCSG members have access to our website along with electronic access to our Journal, Digest, which is full of articles on primary care gastroenterology giving the latest news and developments from the world of primary care gastroenterology.
  • And ………………………it’s free!

Convinced? Then fill in the form below and say hello at the next meeting!

PCSG GP membership is open to all UK registered medical practitioners, nurses and those with an interest in primary care gastroenterology.

*Please Note: Your password must contain one uppercase character, one digit and must have a minimum length of eight characters*
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